Sunday, March 3, 2013

The {Hastings}

You are just going to die at how cute this little girl is. When my friend Roxy asked me if I could take some family pictures for them I was elated. I had been anxiously waiting to snap some photos of her little girl, Hadley. I think you will agree with me, when you see her parents, where she gets her good looks from. I got to do a shoot at one of favorite locations with some of my favorite faces. I'd call that a good day on the job.


 Sometimes they find their own props and you
just go with it because they're so stinkin' cute!


Gorgeous couple, right?

Playing with the leaves and sticks were making 
her happy so we just ran with it 

Don't you just want to smooch all over that face?! 

Poor baby girl turfed it at the sitters right before the shoot
Scraps and all, I think she's still cute as a button 

I admit it
I have an obsession with baby bums and chunky legs 

Even though Hadley isn't looking at the camera in this one
I love her smile 

 You were such a good sport miss Hadley pie xoxo

<3 a.r.t.="">

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